笔与墨问题,争论已久。说好说坏,其实都无关乎“笔墨”本身作为传达人的思想的语言价值。这里,问题的关键在于,一些人忽视了中国传统水墨画的改革在于“人”而决不会在“笔墨”旧的笔墨程式固然是人创造的,新的笔墨程式还须人来创造。把“人”的主观能动作用和“笔墨”的被动作用本末倒置,显然不会有满意的结果。“笔墨”自有其辉煌的过去,也自会有丰富明丽的未来。 中国传统水墨画在世界艺术之林中,是一种独特的艺术形式。它所表现的对象虽然也是山林水石、屋宇廊桥和人物动物
Pen and ink problems, the debate has been a long time. To say or say badly, in fact, has nothing to do with the “pen and ink” itself as the linguistic value of conveying people’s ideas. The crux of the problem here is that some people overlook the fact that the reform of Chinese traditional ink painting is based on “human” and never on the “pen and ink”. The old pen and ink program was of course created by man. The new pen and ink program must be created by others. The subjective and active role of “man” and the passive role of “ink and brush” are the opposite. Obviously, there will be no satisfactory result. “Pen and Ink” has its own glorious past, but also will have a rich and bright future. Chinese traditional ink and wash is a unique form of art in the world of art. Although the objects it displays are also mountains and water stones, building bridges and figures and animals