遗传算法是将问题的求解用染色体的形式表示 ,在其复制、交叉、变异的进化过程中收敛为一个最适应环境的染色体 ,即为问题的解 .用遗传算法对模糊控制中的隶属度函数进行编码 ,确定适应度函数 ,作遗传运算与微量调整 ,可实现对隶属度函数及控制规则的优化 ,改善模糊控制器的性能 .
Genetic algorithm is to solve the problem with the form of chromosome representation, in the process of its replication, crossover, mutation evolution converge to a chromosome that best adapts to the environment, is the solution of the problem.Using genetic algorithm to fuzzy membership function Coding, determining the fitness function, making genetic operations and adjusting trace, which can optimize membership functions and control rules and improve the performance of fuzzy controller.