自1873年签订国际协议,在世界上推广米制度量衡单位以来,国际度量衡总会(CGPM)定期在巴黎开会,研究改进米制事宜。1960年第十一届国际度量衡会议决定采用一种新的修订后的米制单位,以代替CGS(厘米、克、秒)制和MKSA(米、千克、秒、安)制。这种新的修订单位制称为国际单位制,或简称SI单位。在1971年召开的第十六届国际度量衡会议上,对SI单位又作了进一步的修订。 SI单位有9个基本单位(参见附表1),从基本单位导出的单位有40个以上(参见附表2),代表倍数的前缀有14个(参见附表3)。
Since the signing of an international agreement in 1873 to promote the metric system of metric units in the world, the International Institute of Weights and Measures (CGPM) met regularly in Paris to study how to improve the metric system. The 11th International Conference of Weights and Measures in 1960 decided to adopt a new revised metric system instead of the CGS (centimeter-gram) system and the MKSA system. This new revised unit system is known as the International System of Units, or SI unit for short. At the 16th International Conference of Weights and Measures held in 1971, SI units were further revised. The SI unit has 9 basic units (see Schedule 1), more than 40 units derived from the basic unit (see Schedule 2), and 14 prefixes (see Table 3).