他在舞台上的表演,令人笑声不止,发人深思,在人们的脑海中留下了栩栩如生的艺术形象。他既征服了观众,也征服了评委,获得了许多大奖:全国二人转个人表演二等奖,东北三省表演明星奖,全省表演一等奖。他,就是四平市艺术团演出队队长、共产党员桑青琳。 梅花香自苦寒来。1994年,桑青琳被评为二级演员,成为省内文化系统的先进个人。同志们都向他表示祝贺,有人说他是幸运的成功者,可有谁知道在这成功的背后,他又付出了多少艰辛的努力呢?在演艺圈里有句老话:“台上三分钟,台下十年功。”凡是看过他排戏的人都有同感,不管导演有没有要求,他总爱把演出时头上戴的、身上穿的、手里拿的“全副武装”
His performance on the stage, it is more than laughter, thought-provoking, in the minds of people left a lifelike artistic image. He not only conquered the audience, but also conquered the judges. He won many prizes: the second prize of personal performances by two duo in the country, the star of performing arts in three provinces of northeast China, and the first prize of performance in the province. He is the captain of Siping City Performing Arts Troupe, Communist Party member Sang Qinglin. Plum blossom from the bitter cold. In 1994, Sang Qinglin was named a second-level actor, becoming an advanced individual in the province’s cultural system. All the gays have congratulated him. Some people say he is a lucky winner. Who knows how hard he has been behind this success? There is an old saying in the entertainment business: “Three minutes on stage , Ten years of work under the stage. ”Anyone who saw him row play people feel the same, no matter the director has no requirements, he always loved to put on the show head, wearing the body, holding“ full armed ”