龙口市妇幼保健院自1996年4月1日在全市范围内全面开展母婴保健保偿工作以来,不断加大管理力度,母婴保健保偿工作得到了进一步的发展和完善。具体做法是:1 努力加大宣传力度,创造良好的社会氛围11 《母婴保健法》的颁布实施为加强妇幼卫生管理,规范母婴保健
Since April 1, 1996, Longkou MCH has made full efforts in the management of maternal and child health care within the city, and has made further efforts in the management and protection of maternal and child health care. The work has also been further developed and perfected. The specific approach is: 1 efforts to step up publicity and create a good social atmosphere 1 1 “Maternal and Child Health Law” promulgated and implemented to strengthen the management of MCH, standardize maternal and child health