石油和天然气产量长期衰减导致阿根廷石化行业因原料短缺而扩能无门,数个计划中的项目也因此而搁置。为解无米之炊的困局,阿根廷政府和跨国石化企业不约而同地瞄准了页岩油气资源。据普氏能源资讯近日报道,1月底,阿根廷政府在布宜诺斯艾利斯表示,阿根廷计划加大投资力度从诸如Vaca Muerta那样的页岩远景区开发石油和天然气。阿根廷工业部长Debora Giorgi则公开表示,该国将加强对Vaca Muerta地区的页岩投资,以期提高石油和天然气供
Long-term declines in oil and gas production have led Argentina’s petrochemical sector to expand due to shortage of raw materials and several planned projects have been put on hold. In order to find a solution to the plight of the poor, the Argentine government and multinational petrochemical enterprises are invariably targeting shale oil and gas resources. According to Platts’ recent news reports, at the end of January, the Argentinean government said in Buenos Aires that Argentina planned to increase its investment in the development of oil and gas from the shale prospect such as Vaca Muerta. Argentina’s Minister of Industry Debora Giorgi said publicly that it will step up shale investments in the Vaca Muerta region with a view to boosting the supply of oil and gas