Aiming at the artificial debonding gap of the front head of solid rocket motor, a two-dimensional experimental device was designed to simulate the stress-strain situation after the artificial debonding position of the front head was ignited by ignition in the ignition process of the engine. At the same time, the numerical method of fluid-solid coupling was used to calculate the experimental conditions, and the calculated stress-strain of the artificial debonding root was in good agreement with the experiment. Through numerical research, it is found that the impact of the gas ignited on the artificial debonding site in the initial stage of ignition can cause the pressure oscillation inside the gap and the vibration on the loading surface. The amplitude depends on the pressure propagation in the gap and the oscillation in the late ignition tends to disappear . The artificial surface of the debonded charge is basically the same as the pressure of the combustion chamber, and the stress concentration occurs at the tip. For the artificial form of artificial debonding, the increase amplitude is basically constant, which is independent of the pressure of the combustion chamber. The extension of the artificial debonding to the cylindrical section of the shell may reduce the magnitude of stress concentration. The width of the artificial debonding gap has little effect on the debonding site.