1 临床资料先症者 ,男 ,37a,干部。因双眼渐进性视物不清 4a,加重0 .5 mo,伴头痛及双眼胀痛 ,于 1998年 6月 4日入院。患者自幼夜盲 ,13a前被诊断为“视网膜色素变性”,1994年初到北京先后行“双眼氩激光虹膜切除术”及“小梁切除术”。术后视力改善。眼部检查 :视力 :右眼 0
1 first clinical information, male, 37a, cadres. Due to binocular progressive blurred vision 4a, aggravate 0.5. 5 mo, with headache and binocular pain, on June 4, 1998 admission. The patient was blind at an early age. She was diagnosed with “retinitis pigmentosa” before 13a and arrived in Beijing in early 1994 with “bilateral argon laser iridectomy” and “trabeculectomy”. Postoperative visual acuity improved. Eye examination: eyesight: right eye 0