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我国的河流,叫过烏江名字的很多,也大都有一段故事。象楚霸王烏江自刎,那是指的安徽烏江浦;刘备在东吴的妻子孙夫人,据说是跳江自尽,有位无名氏留了一句詩为“思君淚落烏江冷”,那可能是指的长江;又李太白远謫夜郎的时候,他的赛弟宗璟送他,到烏江他作詩留别,那是指的潯阳江。历史上和烏江的名字相連的故事,不是英雄气短,便是儿女情长;也大都是悲剧的下場。只有 The rivers of our country are called many names of Wujiang, and most of them have a story. Like Chu King Wujiang self-esteem, it refers to Wujiangpu, Anhui Province; Liu Bei’s wife in Soochow, Madame Sun, is said to be jumping the river himself, anonymous left a poem as “Sijun Tears Wujiang cold,” that may refer to Of the Yangtze River; and Li Taibaiyuan Yelang when his brother Zong sent him to Wujiang he made poetry stay, it refers to the Yang River. History and the name of Wujiang connected story is not a heroic, is the love of children, but also mostly the end of the tragedy. only
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热情介绍:尽享现代城市文明之后,我们将远离城市的喧嚣,乘坐热气球,去拥抱美丽的大自然,领略神话般的奇山异水。  我们要去的第一站是四川省的九寨沟风景区。  快言快语:九寨沟?为什么取这样的名字?  热心提示:九寨沟位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治区境内,海拔2000米~3000米,因沟内分布着9个藏族村寨而得名,有“世界水景之王”的美称。在这儿,高高低低地分布着108个高山湖泊(当地人称为“海子”)。每
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“that that is is that that is not is not is not that so”(14 words)The above-mentioned fourteen words was copied down by an absentminded professor.Though all
学术批评是学者的治学之道,是学术进步的催化剂,是追求真理、提高学术水平的必由之路。学术需要批评,批评不繁荣,学术也就无法繁荣。因此应开展学术批评,提高学术水平。 Aca
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Suppose every person on Earth ate only one kind of food.And oneyear that food disappeared.If that happened,all humans wouldsoon disappear too.Fortunately,human
张家界景区内森林覆盖率高于95%!公园内有黄狮寨、金鞭溪、腰子寨等6个景区,景点有1000多个。  张家界最有特色的风景要数山,号称“奇峰三千”。整个风景区,数以千计的石峰连绵起伏。从海拔1334米的最高峰“兔儿望月”,到海拔仅300米的“水绕四门”,3130座石峰,拔地而起,鳞次栉比,如龙腾虎跃,形成非常壮观的“峰林”。奇峰高高低低,大小不一,形态各异,有的群峰对峙,有的孤峰突起,有的上锐下削,