
来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyongdede
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1991年苏联发生了“八·一九”事件,本来就处于风雨飘摇、危机四伏中的苏联各种矛盾全面爆发,形势急转直下,党和国家出现了全面崩溃和瓦解。不仅苏共在全军乃至全国境内的活动成为非法,就连戈尔巴乔夫本人也被迫辞去总书记职务,苏共中央自行解散。根据当权者的命令,苏共各级党委的办公大楼被查封,财产被全部没收,档案被接管,党报、党刊停办,许多共产党人受到迫害,大批党员干部成为失业者。苏联共产党虽然解散了,但是马列主义的真理还存在,经受过革命传统教育的许多共产党人的信念没有改变,他们并没有停止斗争。于是在俄罗斯大地上迅速出现了众多的共产党组织和其他各种左翼组织。1991年9月11日“共产主义者联盟”成立;9月20日,“共产主义工人联盟”宣布成立。同一天,“捍卫共产党人权利公共委员会”也宣告成立;10月27日,“俄罗斯劳动人民社会党”诞生;11月8日,“全联盟布尔什维克共产党”正式宣布成立;11月16日,“工人阶级列宁主义社会党”成立;11月16-17日,“俄罗斯共产党人联盟”成立;11月23-24日,“俄罗斯共产主义工人党”成立;1993年2月,俄罗斯联邦共产党重建; When the “1989” incident took place in the Soviet Union in 1991, all kinds of contradictions in the Soviet Union, which were already precariously in crisis and in a crisis of peril, broke out in an all-round way. The situation was rapidly deteriorating and the party and the state collapsed and collapsed in all directions. Not only was the Soviet Communist Party’s activities in the army and even the entire territory illegal, but even Gorbachev himself was forced to resign as general secretary and the Central Committee of the CPSU dissolved itself. According to the leader’s orders, the Party committees at all levels in the CPSU were closed down, the property was confiscated, the files were taken over, the party newspapers and party newspapers were closed, many Communists were persecuted, and a large number of party members and cadres became unemployed. Although the Soviet Communist Party was dissolved, the truth of Marxism-Leninism still existed. The conviction of many Communists who had undergone revolutionary traditional education remained unchanged. They did not stop fighting. As a result, numerous communist organizations and various other left-wing organizations quickly appeared on the land of Russia. On September 11, 1991, the “League of Communists” was established. On September 20, the “Communist Workers Union” was announced. On the same day, the Public Committee for the Defense of Communists ’Rights was also declared. On October 27, the birth of the “Workers’ Party of Socialist Russia” was officially announced on November 8, “The Communist Party of the All-Union Bolsheviks” was officially established. 11 The “Workers’ Leninist Socialist Party” was set up on the 16th of January; the “Union of Russian Communists” was established on November 16-17; the “Russian Communist Workers Party” was established on November 23-24; February 1993, reconstruction of the Russian Federation Communist Party;