Choroidal osteoma is a benign optic choroidal ossification of the tumor, more common in healthy white young women (mean age 19 to 20 years), are acquired tumors. Mostly monocular, eyes, about 20%. Lesions often affect the macula, blurred vision early, visual distortion or next to the center dark spots. Macular retinal neovascularization significantly decreased visual acuity. In the reported cases, visual acuity decreased to less than 0.1 less than 10%, of which about 1/4 of patients with the final visual acuity remained at this level, and half of the patients with visual acuity can be restored to 0.7 or more. Ocular fundus choroidal osteoma was yellowish white uneven slightly elevated tumor periphery partial to orange color. Most tumors are round or oval, clear, border or irregularly shaped, or fan-shaped. Multiple vascular surface of the tumor surface often as a differential diagnosis with choroidal hemangiomas or metastases signs. Occasionally tumor rim retinal pigment epithelium has a pigment off