“不靠谱”的文明:从美国的禁酒令到大麻合法化今天,我们的生活是否真就那么善恶分明?1920年1月17日凌晨0时,美国宪法第18号修正案——禁酒法案正式生效。根据这项法律规定,凡是制造、售卖乃至于运输酒精含量超过0.5%以上的饮料皆属违法。与朋友共饮或举行酒宴最高可被罚款1 000美元及监禁半年。但是禁酒令反而造成私酒泛滥,引起了非法酿造、出卖和走私酒类饮料的新的犯罪行为,而联邦及各州政府又需
Civilization of “No Breathing”: Legal Prohibition from Prohibition of Wine in the United States Today, Is Our Liveliness Euphemistically Clear? At 0:00 on January 17, 1920, the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution - - The Prohibition Act came into force. Under the law, it is an offense to manufacture, sell, or even transport beverages that contain more than 0.5% alcohol. It is subject to a maximum fine of $ 1,000 and imprisonment for six months for drinking or holding a banquet with friends. However, Prohibition orders have instead led to the proliferation of private liquor, causing new criminal acts of illicit brewing, selling and smuggling of alcoholic beverages, which the federal and state governments need