京津蛋鸡生产很有特色,它代表了城市对于我国现代化畜牧业所起的推动作用,也代表了市场条件下城市蛋鸡业生存、发展到萎缩及产业转移的过程。我们主要分析京津的特点和现在市场波动预测两部分。现分述如下: 一京津蛋鸡生产特点 应读者要求,现回答有关京津蛋鸡生
The production of Beijing-Tianjin laying hens is very distinctive. It represents the promoting role that the city plays in the modernization of animal husbandry in our country. It also represents the survival, development and shrinking of the urban laying hens under the market conditions and the industrial transfer. We mainly analyze the characteristics of Beijing and Tianjin and the current market volatility forecast two parts. Now described as follows: a Beijing and Tianjin production characteristics of hens should be requested by the reader, are now answering questions about Beijing and Tianjin laying hens