1 资料来源 病例1:患者,男,17岁,因反复双下肢浮肿,伴蛋白尿1年余,于2014年7月10日上午10时52分入本院肾内科治疗。入院后给予“醋酸泼尼松片、贝那普利片、阿魏酸哌嗪、丹参多酚酸盐、注射用胞腺五肽、注射用核糖核酸Ⅱ、注射用泮托拉唑钠、骨力胶囊”等对症支持治疗。患者于2014年7月10日下午15时20分静脉输入氯化钠注射液250ml+注射用核糖核酸Ⅱ(吉林敖东药业集团延吉股份有限公司,规格:50mg/支,批号 A140513)100mg时出现全身皮肤瘙痒。立即查看患者,血压110/70mmHg,心率 80次/分,呼吸 20次/分,氧饱和度95%,神清,查体合作,双肺呼吸音稍粗,未闻及干湿啰音,心率80次/分,律齐,各瓣膜听诊区未闻及病理性杂音。患者右颈部、躯干、背部布满略高出皮面皮疹,双下肢散在皮疹,瘙痒明显,立即停用该药,给予氯雷他啶片8.8mg口服,给予葡萄糖酸钙注射液1g静脉推注抗过敏治疗,患者瘙痒好转,皮疹逐渐消退。7月11日上午9时30分查看患者,皮疹已全部消退。
1 Source of data Case 1: Male, 17 years old, due to repeated edema of both lower extremities, with proteinuria more than 1 year, at 10:52 on July 10, 2014 into the hospital renal medicine treatment. After admission, “prednisone acetate tablets, benazepril tablets, piperazine ferulate, salvianolate, gingival pentapeptide for injection, ribonucleic acid for injection II, pantoprazole sodium for injection, Capsule ”and other symptomatic supportive treatment. Patients appeared on the July 10, 2014 at 15:20 when intravenous infusion of sodium chloride injection 250ml + injection of ribonucleic acid Ⅱ (Jilin Aodong Pharmaceutical Group Yanji Co., specifications: 50mg / support, batch number A140513) 100mg appeared Itchy skin. Immediately view the patient, blood pressure 110 / 70mmHg, heart rate 80 beats / min, breathing 20 beats / min, oxygen saturation 95%, Shen Qing, physical examination cooperation, lung breath sounds a bit coarse, no smell and wet and dry rales, heart rate 80 beats / min, law Qi, the valve auscultation area did not smell and pathological murmur. The patient’s right neck, trunk, back covered with a slightly higher than the skin rash, both lower extremities scattered rashes, itching obvious, immediately stop the drug to give loratadine tablets 8.8mg orally, intravenous injection of calcium gluconate injection 1g Note anti-allergy treatment, pruritus improved, the rash subsided. The patient was seen at 9:30 am on July 11, and the rash had subsided.