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针对高通量菌落挑选仪研发的照明设计,采用暗视场照明方式,在保证照度均匀的同时大幅提升了所采集菌落图像的对比度,以提高仪器整体性能。分析了影响照度均匀度的三个重要因素,LED环形光源中灯珠的投射角度、LED环形光源的阵列层数以及LED环形光源距目标面距离。模拟结果表明,当灯珠投射角度为75°、LED环形光源阵列为三层以及LED环形光源距目标面距离为61cm时,照度均匀度最优为93.16%。采用所设计的暗视场照明方式搭建实验系统,实验结果达到项目要求,并与软件模拟结果相匹配。 For high-throughput colony selection instrument developed by the lighting design, the dark field of illumination, to ensure uniform illumination at the same time greatly enhance the contrast of colony images collected in order to improve the overall performance of the instrument. Three important factors that affect illuminance uniformity are analyzed. The projection angle of LED bead in LED annular light source, the array of LED circular light source and the distance of LED annular light source from the target surface are analyzed. The simulation results show that when the projection angle of the lamp beads is 75 °, the LED ring light source array is three layers and the distance between the LED ring light source and the target surface is 61 cm, the illumination uniformity is the best, which is 93.16%. The experimental system was constructed by using the dark field illumination designed to meet the project requirements and matched with the software simulation results.
清代名人左宗棠喜欢下棋,而且棋艺高超,很少碰到对手。有一次,他微服出巡,在街上看到一个摆棋阵的老人,其招牌上写着几个醒目的大字:“天下第一棋手。”左宗棠觉得老人实在狂妄,有意教训他,便上前挑战,结果老人真的不堪一击,连连败北。左宗棠春风得意,命老人赶快把那块招牌砸了,不要再在这里丢人现眼。老人微微点头,答应了。  日子如水,当左宗棠从新疆平叛胜利归来,看到老人还把那块“天下第一棋手”的牌子竖在那儿