
来源 :文艺理论与批评 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxiaoaisc
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回顾乡土文学论战陈映真1970年代“台湾乡土文学”的提起,是针对1950年以降支配台湾文学二十年之久的、模仿的、舶来的“现代主义”文艺思潮的批判和反论。因此,没有先对于1950年以迄1970年的台湾“现代派”文学做分析的认识,就不能充分理解1970年... Recalling the Debate on Home-made Literature Chen Ying-zhen The mention of “Taiwan’s native literature” in the 1970s was aimed at criticizing and contradicting the “modernist” ideological trends of literature and art imitated and imported from Taiwan in 1950 for more than 20 years. Therefore, we can not fully comprehend the 1970’s understanding of the “modernist” literature in Taiwan from 1950 to 1970 ...