洋葱种植面积在全疆蔬菜作物中仅次于土豆和番茄而名列第三位。洋葱一般可以从其鳞茎形状而分为:扁球形、园球形、卵园形及纺锤形,也可以其成熟度的不同可分早熟、中熟及晚熟。 一、洋葱类型 1、红皮洋葱 葱头外表紫红色,鳞片肉质 稍带红色,扁球形或园球形,直径8~10厘米,耐贮藏运输,休眠期较短。萌茎较早,全疆各地普遍栽培。为早熟至中熟种,5月下旬至6月上旬收获。 2、黄皮洋葱 葱头黄铜色至淡黄色,鳞肉皮质微黄而柔软,组织细密,辣味较浓。扁园形,直径6~8厘米,较耐贮藏,运输。为早熟至中熟种,产量比红皮种低,但品质较好,可作脱水加工用。 3、白皮洋葱 葱头白色,鳞片肉质亦白色。扁园球形,直径5~7厘米,产量较低,抗病较弱,在长江流
Onion planting area in Xinjiang, second only to potatoes and tomatoes and vegetables ranked third place. Onions can generally be divided into its bulb shape: oblate, spherical garden, egg-shaped and spindle-shaped, but also its maturity can be divided into different premature, medium and late ripening. First, the onion type 1, red onion onions appearance of purple, scaly flesh slightly red, flat spherical or spherical, diameter of 8 to 10 cm, resistant to storage and transport, short dormancy. Early stem sprouting, commonly cultivated throughout Xinjiang. Early to mid-ripening, late May to early June harvest. 2, yellow onion onion brass to light yellow, squat yellowish yellow and soft, fine tissue, spicy thick. Flat garden shape, diameter 6 ~ 8 cm, more resistant to storage, transportation. For the precocious to medium-mature, the yield is lower than the red-type, but the quality is better, can be used for dehydration processing. 3, white onion onion white scales also succulent white. Flat Park spherical diameter of 5 to 7 cm, lower yield, weaker disease resistance in the Yangtze River