律师状告广深高速 拷问收费黑洞

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全长120多公里的广深高速公路,十年间收费300亿元,再度引起人们对高速路收费的关注。高收费,服务设施不齐全,成为国内不少高速公路“通病”。2010年以来,广州律师赵绍华以“广深高速公路全程没有加油站”为由,将广深高速路公司告上法庭。2010年12月20日,广州市越秀区法院审理认为,高速公路通行费不包括服务区和加油站服务,驳回赵绍华要求广深高速路公司退回35元通行费和290元拖 With a total length of more than 120 kilometers, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway charges a total of 30 billion yuan in ten years and again attracts people’s attention to toll collection at the expressway. High fees, service facilities are not complete, becoming a lot of expressways “common problem ”. Since 2010, Zhao Shaohua, a Guangzhou lawyer, has sued the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway Company to court on the grounds that “there is no gas station on the entire Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway.” On December 20, 2010, Guangzhou Yuexiu District Court held that freeway tolls do not include service areas and gas station services and dismissed Zhao Shaohua’s request that Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway Company refund 35 yuan tolls and 290 yuan
走进兰州大学草地农业科技学院大门,眼前一幅硕大的中国草地分布图。在全球气候变暖的大趋势下,草地生态环境不容乐观。见到南志标院士,第一印象是他快人快语 Into the Lan