一、韩国经济发展概况 韩国在短短的30多年间,从一个落后的农业国成为一个新兴的工业国,国内生产总值(GDP)从1961年的21亿美元提高到95年的4517亿美元,人均国内生产总值从82美元上升到10076美元,经济得到了高速发展。 1995年韩国各产业项目在GDP中所占比例,农林渔业为6.5%;轻工业为30.3%;社会基础设施和其他服务业分别占63.2%和64.0%。主要工业产品如化学纤维,汽车及汽车轮胎,合成橡胶,水泥、钢铁、金属及加
I. Overview of South Korea’s Economic Development In just over 30 years, South Korea has become an emerging industrialized nation from a backward agricultural country. Its gross domestic product (GDP) increased from 2.1 billion U.S. dollars in 1961 to 451.7 billion U.S. dollars in 1995, Per capita GDP rose from 82 U.S. dollars to 10,776 U.S. dollars and the economy has been growing rapidly. In 1995, the proportion of various industrial projects in GDP in Korea was 6.5% for agriculture, forestry and fisheries, 30.3% for light industry, and 63.2% and 64.0% for social infrastructure and other service industries respectively. Major industrial products such as chemical fiber, automobile and automobile tires, synthetic rubber, cement, steel, metals and additives