本文论述了作者新设计的一种育种方法。其要点为:借用Ketata改进了的TTC法,检验群体性状有无上位性;在目标性状无上位性时,按不完全双列杂交分析方法估算参试亲本的配合力效应,配合力方差和遗传力;根据统计分析所提供的信息,选择高配合力的自交系和杂交组合,制定适宜的群体改良方案。利用这种新方法进行研究的结果表明: 1.Suwan—1群体的13个性状中,只有部份性状存在显著的上位性,多数性状均不显著。且所有性状的一般配合力方差均大于特殊配合力方差。 2.S_(21),S_(29)、S_(30)、S_(37)是入选的自交系,连续自交选择4代之后。测定其配合力表现亦高。 3.合二xS_(21)、合二xS_(37)、合二xS_(40)、331x、S_(57),(合二x331)×S_(29)是入选的高产组合。其中合二xS_(37)参加了品种比较试验,比中单2号(ck)增产10.2%,现累计推广面积达3万余亩。初步证明作者设计的方法是有效的。
This article discusses a new method of breeding by the author. The main points are as follows: using the improved TTC method by Ketata, to test the superiority of population traits; in the absence of epistasis of target traits, the incompleteness of double crosses analysis method is used to estimate the combining ability effect, combining ability variance and heredity According to the information provided by the statistical analysis, the inbred lines and cross combinations with high combining ability were selected to make the appropriate group improvement plan. The results of the study using this new method showed that: 1. Among the 13 traits of Suwan-1 population, only some of the traits showed significant epistasis and most of the traits were not significant. The variance of general combining ability of all traits was higher than that of special combining ability. S_ (21), S_ (29), S_ (30) and S_ (37) are selected inbred lines, after 4 generations of continuous selfing selection. Determination of its performance with high performance. 3. Combining xS_ (21), xS_ (37), xS_ (40), 331x, S_ (57), (xH x331) xS_ (29) are selected high yield combinations. Which combined two xS_ (37) participated in the species comparison test, than the No. 2 (ck) an increase of 10.2%, is now a total area of promotion of more than 30,000 acres. Preliminary proof of the author’s design method is effective.