利用长江口已经验证的典型丁坝坝头冲刷坑计算模式对长兴岛南沿起历经多年冲淤变化后的丁坝坝头冲刷坑进行计算 ,发现计算结果与实测冲刷坑深度有较大差异。经分析长兴岛南沿外沙内泓河段地质勘探资料 ,找出了实测冲刷坑深度与计算结果产生差异的原因 ,提出土层物理力学指标是影响冲刷坑终极深度的重要原因 ,丁坝坝头床沙起冲流速是分析计算坝头冲刷坑深度的主要参数。
Based on the calculation model of the typical scouring dikes at the mouth of the Changjiang Estuary, the scouring dikes at the south of Changxing Island after scouring and silting over the years have been calculated. The results show that there is a big difference between the calculation results and the measured scour pit depth. After analyzing the geological prospecting data in the Wanghe section of southeastern Changxing Island, the reason why the depth of the scour pit was calculated and the difference between the calculated results is found out. The physical and mechanical indexes of the soil layer are the important reasons that influence the ultimate depth of the scour pit. Bed sand flushing velocity is the main parameter for calculating the depth of the scour pit.