
来源 :乾陵文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whenhm
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《旧唐书》自后梁即开始搜集材料,准备着手纂修,但直到后晋天福六年(941)才正式下诏令张昭远等修纂,于开运二年(945)即修成,前后修纂仅用了四年多时间。虽然史料搜集比较宏富,有唐历朝起居注、实录、国史为据,但修纂时间短,仓促成书,又成于众手,以致书中体例不周之处自在不少。历代史家对《旧唐书》的这一不足多有微词,如清代学者钱大昕、王鸣盛、赵翼、张道等均有批评,指出了其“多用国史原文”、回护之处不改、一 The Old Tang Dynasty book began to collect materials from the back beam and was ready to begin compiling it. However, it was not until the official approval of Zhang Fuyuan (941) in the late Jin Dynasty that it was complied with by Zhang Zhaoyuan et al. It took only more than four years. Although the collection of historical materials is rich and prosperous, there are Tang Dynasty dynastic remarks, recorded records, and historical records, but the compilation time is short and hastily become a book. Historians of history have more than melancholy about this shortcoming of “Old Tang Books”. For example, Qian Daxin, Wang Mingsheng, Zhao Yi and Zhang Dao of Qing Dynasty all criticized and pointed out that " Department does not change, one