有火灾就有消防队,有消防队就有消防英雄,那些在火场上舍生忘死的身影让我们每每想起便总是心潮起伏,然而我们也不该忘记,那些永远都会在危难时刻出现的消防战车。它们也是同样英勇善战却从来默默无语的另一种英雄。有人曾经用“功勋卓著”四个字来概括和称赞它们,一种很拟人化的提法。那么,在这些所谓的功勋消防车的身上,又有着怎样豪迈和动人的故事?这,就是您眼前的这个全新栏目将要讲述的全部内容。 对此,我们只需静静地聆听。
There are fire brigades, there are fire brigades there are fire heroes, those living in the field forgetting the shadow of letting us often think of it always ups and downs, but we should not forget that those who will always be in distress moments Fire fighting vehicle. They are also the other kind of heroes who are equally brave and fierce but never silent. Someone once summed up and praised them with the words “feats of meritorious service”, a very anthropomorphic formulation. So, in these so-called meritorious service fire engines, and how the heroic and touching story, this is your current front of this new section will tell the whole story. In this regard, we only need to listen quietly.