敲开陶璐娜的房门,她正一脸倦意地躺在床上——前一天晚上因为做节目只睡了4个小时。陶璐娜打着哈欠,却又十分认真地说,你问吧,只是我没有多少好写的,我能有今天,应该多谢我的教练、老师,还有所有帮助过我的人。 上海往事 1987年,13岁的陶璐娜在上海明德中学念初中。那时她的目标是好好念书,将来考一个好大学。虽然小时候因为看《排球女将》而知道了奥运会,觉得那是一个好神圣的地方,却压根儿也没想到自己有一天也会去到那里,并且还拿了冠军。很偶然的一个机会,使她与射击结了缘。
Knocking on the door of Tao Luna, she was tired of lying on the bed - the night before as the program only slept for 4 hours. Tao Luna yawned, but said very seriously, you ask, but I do not have much to write, I can have today, I should thank my coach, teacher, and all those who helped me. Shanghai past 1987, 13-year-old Tao Luna junior high school in Shanghai Mingde. Her goal then was to study hard and test a good university in the future. Although I was aware of the Olympics as a girl volleyball player when I was a kid, I thought it was a very sacred place but did not even think I would go there one day and won the championship. A chance by chance that made her get hit with the shootings.