近二、三十年来,芬兰的成人教育有许多新的发展。由“芬兰成人教育组织协会”(Finnish Association of Adult Education Organizations,文中简称“芬成教协会”)主办的每年一度的“芬兰成人教育研讨会”,则是目前世界上唯一的由一国成人教育组织主办的经常性国际成人教育会议。会议自从1969年创始后,至今已举办了23届。现将“芬成教协会”及其活动情况简介如下: 目前,“芬成教协会”拥有16个成员组织,它们大致可分为以下几类:
In the last two or three decades, there have been many new developments in adult education in Finland. The annual Finnish Seminar on Adult Education organized by the Finnish Association of Adult Education Organizations (Finnish Association of Adult Education Organizations) is the only one in the world organized by a national adult education organization Hosted regular international adult education conference. Since its founding in 1969, the conference has held 23 sessions so far. Now the “Finnish Church Association” and its activities are summarized as follows: At present, “Fencheng Church Association” has 16 member organizations, which can be broadly divided into the following categories: