申错侵入岩为一套中性 酸性侵入岩的岩石组合 ,形成时代为早白垩世 ,具有钙碱性岩的基本岩石化学特征和演化趋势。应用非正式的填图单位 ,可以划分为 5个单元 ,归并为 1个序列。最大的单元为 丁空巴单元 ,岩石类型为花岗闪长岩。序列内部相邻单元之间为涌动或脉动接触关系 ,序列与中生代火山碎屑岩、沉积岩之间为侵入接触关系。根据岩石化学与同位素资料分析 ,早期单元形成于火山弧环境 ,晚期单元形成于同碰撞环境。
The fault-intrusion rock is a set of rock assemblages of neutral acid intrusive rocks that formed in the Early Cretaceous with basic petrochemical characteristics and evolutionary trends of calc-alkaline rocks. The use of informal mapping units, can be divided into five units, merged into a sequence. The largest unit is a kibbutach unit and the rock type is granodiorite. There is surging or pulsating contact between adjacent units in the sequence, and the sequence is in intrusion relation with Mesozoic volcaniclastic rocks and sedimentary rocks. According to petrochemical and isotopic data analysis, the early units are formed in a volcanic arc environment and the late units are formed in the same collisional environment.