
来源 :化工学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fionwy
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The recovery of nickel ions and pure water production from dilute nickel-containing solution was achieved simultaneously only within one process by using electrodeionization(EDI)system.With a 55 mg·L-1 nickel ions feed solution,the outlet concentration of dilute product was below 0.05 mg·L-1,therefore the nickel rejection was higher than 99.9%,and the dilute product resistivity was in the range of 2.02—2.59 MΩ·cm while the concentration of nickel ions in the concentrate stream could reach as high as 1263 mg·L-1.The feasibility of the EDI operation for the recovery of heavy metal ions together with pure water production from dilute industrial heavy metal wastewater was demonstrated in this study,cleaner production and closed circuit circulation can be realized in some industries such as electroplating. The recovery of nickel ions and pure water production from dilute nickel-containing solution was achieved only within one process by using electrodeionization (EDI) system. 55 mg · L-1 nickel ions feed solution, the outlet concentration of dilute product was below 0.05 mg · L-1, therefore the nickel rejection was higher than 99.9%, and the dilute product resistivity was in the range of 2.02-2.59 MΩ · cm while the concentration of nickel ions in the concentrate stream could reach as high as 1263 mg · L-1.The feasibility of the EDI operation for the recovery of heavy metal ions together with pure water production from dilute industrial heavy metal was demonstrated in this study, cleaner production and closed circuit circulation can be realized in some industries such as electroplating.
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