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[配套教材:人教版七年级(上)第二单元“说真话,抒真情”](师下发讨论用的例文,从网上下载摇号器)一、导入新课师:同学们,上周五在大阶梯教室,有许多老师来看我们上作文课。那天大家表现都很好,很积极,我们用“准、清、顺”的小尺子,推敲了各组推荐的例文,也提出了许多好建议。因为时间有限,我当时没来得及跟大家说说我的看法,今天, [Supporting materials: PEP seventh grade (on) the second unit “to tell the truth, express the truth”] (Teacher issued a discussion on the use of the example, download from the online shaker) First, the introduction of a new class teacher: students , Last Friday in the big ladder classroom, there are many teachers come to see us on the composition class. Everyone performed very well and was very positive. We used the small rulers of “quasi, ching and shun” to scrutinize the examples recommended by each group and put forward many good suggestions. Because of the limited time, I did not have time to talk to you about my views. Today,
小学4×100米接力比赛是四个人集体合作的竞赛项目。由於在竞赛中规定接力得分加倍,因此,对团体总分,名次的排列起着重要的作用。下面浅谈小学4×100米接力的训练方法: 第一
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