You Won’ t Touch the Wonderland Until You Arrive in Enshi

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  A mysterious valley with mesmerizing and transparent green waters lies in somewhere in China. You will find soaring mountains, roaring waterfalls, deep canyons, and meandering subterranean rivers there. Rated as “the most beautiful wonderland in China” by CNN, and listed in the world heritage list by UNESCO, Enshi in Hubei Province boasts many unexplored secrets. It is also an excellent summer resort best suited for travel plans between April and August, as temperatures remain cool in its hottest days of summer. If you’re in need of a getaway surrounded by mountains and clear waters to retreat and unwind, Enshi is a perfect place.
  A secret wonderland at 30 degrees north latitude
  The 30 degrees north latitude passes through countless wonders, such as the Qiantang River famous for its tidal bore in China, the Hanging Garden of Babylon, the Dead Sea bordered by Jordan to the east, Bermuda in the North Atlantic Ocean, the ancient Maya civilization, to name just a few. When this imaginary line passes through Hubei, China, another wonderland emerges. Going deep into Enshi carefully and you will find that it is not like a human world but a green oasis full of undiscovered wonders. A trip to Enshi can be a real eye-opener.
  Enshi Grand Canyon proudly displays its peaks and valleys. You will be in awe as you gaze out toward the mystical land. As far as spectacularity is concerned, this one is as marvelous as the Colorado Grand Canyon of America. However, it is matchless in terms of beauty. Nature conveys the mountain into incomparable and breathtaking pictures with its extraordinary creations. The mountaintops are high above the skyline and the waterfalls that tumble to the canyon floor below, feeding the underground rivers that flow through virgin forests and ancient villages. A plank road is built along the face of a cliff at Enshi Grand Canyon. The puffy clouds seem close enough for you to touch and the precipices are like giant stalagmite stone fingers reaching toward the heaven.
  Enshi Grand Canyon is famous for Yunlong Ground Fissure, the cliffs on two sides of which are formed in two different periods. Originally, Yunlong Ground Fissure was an underground river flowing under the ground for 20 million to 30 million years. Later, because of the erosion of flowing water underground, the top of Yunlong Underground River collapsed, which finally formed today's Yunlong Ground Fissure.
  A lot of people know Enshi for the first time, perhaps because of Pingshan Canyon. A visit to Pingshan is indeed a worthwhile journey. Due to the inconvenience of transportation, this mysterious area is better protected, and its ecological environment is mind-blowing. The water area here is called “Glass Sea” because it is so pure that it looks transparent like a jasper jade or a mirror! On the river, there will be the illusion of floating, just like coming to a mysterious and quiet paradise! Thus it is once known as China’s “Semporna”. Above the canoeing river, the birds are singing on woods and in forests. Visitors can really experience the beautiful scenery of Xanadu, which is a natural oxygen bar for recreation and health preservation. The photos of this place were forwarded on microblog more than 9,000 times. Many netizens commented that this is a place that everyone should visit at least once in their lives.   Landscape that rivals karsts in southern China
  Guilin’s landscape is the best in the world, while Enshi’s cave and stone forests are the best in the world.
  According to the on-site investigation by experts from home and abroad, Tenglong Cave in Enshi was praised as the largest karst cave in China. Tenglong Cave is a cave group, 6 kilometers from downtown Lichuan, Enshi, with the Dry Cave and Water Cave as its main scenes. In October 2005, it was awarded by China National Geographic as “the most beautiful place in China”.
  Shuibuya Stone Forest is also worth seeing. Its limestone sediments formed more than 460 million years ago, were corded by water, and gradually developed into different layers with horizontal textures. The scenic area’s shape is like a huge gourd, surrounded by green screens and peaks. And this is what distinguishes itself from the other karst formations in southwest China.
  There was an interesting legend about how the place got its name. Legend goes that in ancient times, the King of Xiang united five different tribes of Ba people and became their captain. One day he came across a place with three strategically significant mountain passing in a row. So the captain named this place “Suobuya”, because in Ba language, “suobu” means “three” and “ya” means “mountain pass”.
  There are no harsh freezes in winter or intense heat in summer, making it a fine retreat. Suobuya stone forest is vastly dotted with flora and is rich in fauna. Since fossils were often found in those attractions, it is hailed as an amazing natural ancient geological landscape museum.
  The enchanting natural scenery boasts over a hundred unique attractions, both large and small. You can also enjoy the natural spectacle of fireflies here. At present, there are four main scenic spots open to the public: Qinglong Temple, Lotus Village, Mozi Gully and Jiulong Bottom Land. Qinglong Temple was once destroyed by fire and it was rebuilt over a thousand years. Now Qinglong Temple is popularly worshiped by visitors. The stone forest in Lotus Village is densely distributed. The whole scenic area takes stone lotus as the theme. Mozi Gully is often described as the original place of Tujia people in China. The scene you can’t miss in Jiulong Bottom Land is Jiulong Waterfall. If it rains, you are lucky! You will be able to see the Jiulong Waterfall pouring down from the sky, just like a glass of champagne poured by heaven.
  Of course, these are just the masterpieces of Enshi, and the beauty hidden in the secret wonderland is not limited to these spots. This requires you to explore one by one.
在沙巴佳蓝汶莱度假村(Nexus Resort & SPA Karambunai)里,大片的热带雨林不再是遥不可及的。住客在客房便能望见青葱翠绿的雨林,晨起拉开窗帘便可在大片的绿色中摘取一天的好心情。度假村宁静幽雅,是一处难得的休养身心、旅途休息的理想去处,这里热带雨林的神秘、绵延白色沙滩的诱惑以及热情而周到的服务使得沙巴佳蓝汶莱度假村成为了一个令游客流连忘返的“景点”。度假村前方就是海,后背靠着
幸公拓:作家。旅行者。著有小说《子夜歌》《长眠不醒》等。2009年独自骑行新藏线,游记结集为《新藏行记》。  一夜风雪。起床后在窗边望了一眼,只见旅馆对面那座山丘如一头白象匍匐在大地上。风小了一些,雪依然在下。街上有积雪,空气清冽,县城一片素白,四周的山峦被厚实的银装包裹着。  丁青是有名的虫草产地,现在并非虫草季,街上却人流如织,这么早又这么冷,不知道这些人都跑到街上干什么。丁青是川藏交通线上的
中越边境同源共流的文化种子  独弦琴是中越同源民族——京族的民间乐器,以一弦泛音、独弦成曲的特点成为了令世界称奇的民族乐器。和京族人的迁徙定居历史一样,独弦琴的文化起源也与越南有着一衣带水的联系。独弦琴在京语中被称为“旦匏”,亦称为“独弦匏琴”。早在公元8世纪,独弦琴就流行于缅甸、越南等东南亚各国。唐贞元十八年(802年),南亚骠国(今缅甸)向唐王朝进献歌舞,其中就有独弦琴。在《新唐书》中也有史料
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