伊拉克战争开战以来,部署在波斯湾的美英舰队在伊拉克南部海域截获了3艘载有100多枚水雷的伊拉克拖轮,澳大利亚海军在阿拉伯湾以北海域截获4艘布放水雷的伊拉克军用船只,这些船只总共在上述水域布放了86枚各种型号的水雷。 尽管伊拉克海军几乎已不复存在,仅有150艘小船,但它们在海湾北部的幼发拉底河口附近大量布雷,对联军的海上行动构成威胁。在第一次海湾战争期间,伊海军布下的水雷就重创了美海军两牺攻击舰“特里波利”号,并曾险些击沉巡洋舰“普林斯顿”号。
Since the war on Iraq, the U.S.-British fleet deployed in the Persian Gulf has intercepted three Iraqi tugboats carrying more than 100 mines in the southern Iraqi territorial waters and the Australian Navy intercepted 4 Iraqi mines for laying mines in the area north of the Arabian Gulf A total of 86 boats of various types were placed in these waters. Although the Iraqi Navy has almost disappeared and has only 150 boats, they are heavily mined near the Euphrates estuary in the northern part of the Gulf, posing a threat to the coalition’s maritime operations. During the first Gulf War, the mines laid by the Iraqi navy hit the United States Navy’s two-starred attacker “Tripoli” and had almost sank the cruiser “Princeton”.