1临床资料患者男,39岁。发作性意识丧失、伴智能下降1个月。1月前,患者在受刺激后出现突发性意识丧失,呼之不应,伴有双眼凝视,牙冠紧闭对外界刺激无反应,口吐白沫,伴舌咬伤,无大小便失禁。症状持续约20min,自行缓解。10d后出现智能下降,时有胡言乱语,问答欠切题但无暴力行为,无肢体抽搐,无大小便失禁。患病以来精神、食欲、睡眠差,体重无明显下降,无癫痫病史及家族史,冶游史不详,无输血史,配偶无输血史及冶游史。查体:T 36.5℃,P 76
1 clinical data patient male, 39 years old. Secretive loss of consciousness, with intelligence decreased by 1 month. One month ago, the patient experienced a sudden loss of consciousness after being stimulated, which should be avoided. He should be accompanied by binocular gaze, and the crown should not be stimulated by external stimuli. Foaming at the mouth, biting with tongue, incontinence incontinence . Symptoms persist for about 20min, relieve itself. After 10d smart decline, there are occasional nonsense, questions and answers owed but no violence, no limb convulsions, no incontinence. Since the onset of illness, loss of appetite, poor sleep, no significant weight loss, no history of epilepsy and family history, history of etiology is unknown, no history of blood transfusion, spouse without blood transfusion and history of tour. Physical examination: T 36.5 ℃, P 76