On the basis of 2618 aluminum alloy, the addition of SC and Zr to reduce the amount of Cu, the preparation of experimental alloys, the use of metallographic examination, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, hardness measurements and other means of experimental alloy cold-rolled sheet by different temperature annealing organization Performance of the experimental changes of the experimental recrystallization of the recrystallization process and the impact of annealing law. The results show that the Al3 (Sc, Zr) particles are pinned and stable sub-structure, delayed the recrystallization nucleation dominated by polymerization and growth of sub-products, and also hinder the grain growth. Therefore, adding 2618 aluminum alloy Sc, Zr alloying can increase the recrystallization temperature; and refine the recrystallization structure. But Sc. Zr should not be excessive, otherwise it is not conducive to stabilizing the non-recrystallized microstructure. Decreasing the Cu content may prevent the W phase from being formed, increase the contents of Sc and Zr, further delaying the recrystallization process and increasing the recrystallization temperature.