稀土金属β-二酮螯合物作为一种发光材料和核磁位移试剂引起了人们的极大兴趣。有关三元配合物的合成与性质研究报道较多,但有关稀土三元配合物催化烯烃醛化反应尚未见报道。本文报道了钐与噻吩甲酰三氟丙酮、8-羟基喹啉三元固体配合物的合成、表征及其在烯烃醛化反应中的催化活性研究。1 实验部分
The rare earth metal β-diketone chelate has aroused great interest as a luminescent material and a nuclear magnetic shift reagent. There are many reports about the synthesis and properties of ternary complexes. However, there is no report about the catalytic effect of ternary complexes of olefins on the aldehyde hydroformylation. In this paper, the synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of the samarium-thiophenyltrifluoroacetone and 8-hydroxyquinoline ternary complexes were reported. 1 experimental part