小麦在生长发育过程中,如果园底肥不足或施用元素不全,就会使小麦发生缺素症而影响产量。对此,采用根外迫肥(又叫叶面喷肥),则是经济、有效的补救方法。 缺氮:小麦缺少了氮素,一般表现为植株矮小,生长缓慢。叶少面小,呈黄绿色,尤其叶尖表现更为明显,以后逐渐枯萎。对这种小麦应在返青、扬花、灌浆期各喷一次浓度为1~2%的尿素肥液,每667平方米每次用量50~75千克。如无尿素,也可改喷30%的人尿肥液。
In the process of growth and development of wheat, if the garden base fertilizer is insufficient or the application of the elements is not complete, it will make wheat deficiency and affect the yield. In this regard, the use of fertilizer outside the root (also known as foliar spray), it is an economical and effective remedy. Nitrogen deficiency: Wheat is deficient in nitrogen and is generally characterized by short plants and slow growth. Smaller leaves, yellowish green, especially the tip performance is more obvious, then gradually wilt. The wheat should be returned green, flowering, filling each spraying a concentration of 1 to 2% of urea fertilizer, each dose of 50 to 75 kg per 667 square meters. If no urea, but also change spray 30% of human urine fertilizer.