在常人眼里,花甲之龄应该退休在家颐养天年,要是有一定的资产,就应当择一处风水宝地尽情地享受天伦之乐。然而在重庆巴南区的姜家镇,却有一位年近古稀的老人,在他60岁时已拥有一家资产数亿元的仪表厂,将仪表厂转交子女打理后,退休在家的他却又“不安分”地开始了二次创业。作为门外汉的他居然选择养猪,开办起了生猪养殖公司,并且一养就是8年,如今他的养殖公司年出栏生猪达到3万多头(含合作社)、猪肉产品销往全国各地、年销售额高达4 000多万元。然而他还不满足,还想把猪种的名气在全国打得更响亮一些,甚至出口到国外。他养的猪就是地方品牌黑猪——姜家黑猪,他就是陈敬学!
In the eyes of ordinary people, the age of beauties should be retired at home enjoying their own life, if there is a certain asset, you should choose a feng shui treasure to enjoy their grandchildren. However, in Jiangnan Town, Banan District in Chongqing, there was an elderly person who was near old age. At the age of 60, he owned a dashboard factory with assets of several hundred million yuan. After returning the dashboard factory to his children, he retired from home Again “restless ” to start a second venture. As an outsider, he actually chose to raise pigs and started a pig farming company. After raising a farm for eight years, his breeding company now produces more than 30,000 pigs (including cooperatives). The pork products are sold throughout the country and the annual sales Up to more than 40 million yuan. However, he was not satisfied, and he also wanted to make the reputation of pig breeds louder in the country and even exported to foreign countries. His pig is a local brand of black pig - ginger black pig, he is Chen King study!