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空间由多点构成,一个点不为空间,它以体现多点关系的差别为本质。现代科学的大量新发现确证了空间不是虚无之所,而是基态量子场,并具有基础地位与实在性。因而宇宙空间不能是自生自灭的幻象,它的膨胀要以高维背景为条件。无限之义理的分析揭示,实无限的三维平直空间面临着既当有边界而又不能有边界的逻辑矛盾,难以合理存在。有限无边的曲线空间则已得到较多科学事理的支持。 Space consists of multiple points, one point is not space, it reflects the difference between the multi-point relationship as the essence. A large number of new discoveries in modern science confirm that space is not a nothingness, but a ground state quantum field with a fundamental status and reality. As a result, cosmic space can not be a self-destructing illusion, and its expansion should be conditioned on a high-dimensional background. The analysis of infinite justice reveals that the real three-dimensional straight space faces the logical contradiction that exists when there is a boundary but can not have a boundary, and it is difficult to exist rationally. Limited boundless curve space has been more scientific support.
历届奥运会的主场馆多为圆形建筑,“鸟巢”也不例外;方形的“水立方”与之对应,构成了中国传统文化“天圆地方”的理想境界。与“鸟巢”的钢结构设计相比,蓝色的“水立方”晶莹剔透,更显柔美。它们一圆一方,一个阳刚,一个阴柔,形成鲜明对比,极具视觉冲击力。      钢结构的“鸟巢”      2008年8月8日晚上8点,举世瞩目的北京奥运会将在新建的国家体育场“鸟巢”正式开幕。“鸟巢”由一系列辐射式钢结构