Norah Jones“Come away with me”的慵懒甜美音色通过数字放大器回荡在视听室内,搭配电浆电视家庭剧院设备,营造身历其境的立体声质感。一般来说,目前数字放大器只用于低价、低品质与低功耗的产品市场,例如MP3 Player以及手机等,单一频道50瓦以上则还是以模拟放大器为主流,然而其体积庞大,而且较没有效率,并且需要大量的工程设计以及时间。D2Audio看中的就是单一频道50瓦以上的音响市场,该公司也是目前唯一提供多频道整合数字放大器的供货商。
The lazy, sweet sound of Norah Jones’s “Come away with me” reverberates in the audiovisual room with a digital amplifier and is equipped with Plasma TV home theater equipment to create immersive stereo sound. In general, digital amplifiers are currently only used in the low-cost, low-quality and low-power markets such as MP3 players and cell phones. A single amplifier with a channel above 50 watts is still dominated by analog amplifiers. However, its size is bulky, It is inefficient and requires a lot of engineering and time. D2Audio fancy is a single channel 50-watt audio market, the company is also the only provider of multi-channel integrated digital amplifier.