The temperature and salinity data from 17 voyage surveys along the 165 ° E cross section completed by the Sino-U.S. Sea-Atmospheric Interaction Study conducted by ORSTOM in France during the years 1984-1989 were used for the 1986-1987 El Nino and 1984-1985, 1988 Changes in the ocean’s upper temperature and salt structure during the La Niña event of the year were analyzed. The paper points out that the changes of temperature and salt structure at 165 ° E have the characteristics of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation period. The differences of temperature and salt structure between E1Nino and LaNina during the study period are mainly attributed to the different salinities and sub-surface temperature structures ; The variation of temperature and salt structure on the 165 ° E section in E1Nino and LaNina is a reflection of various sea-air interaction results. The change of zonal wind in the equatorial zone and the equatorial surface current is the change of temperature and salt structure The main reason for change.