Effect of increased hepatic platelet activating factor and its receptor portal hypertension in CCl_4

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smileye1
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AIM:To evaluate the changes in hepatic plateletactivating factor(PAF)and its receptors and their effecton portal pressure of cirrhotic rats induced by CCI_4.METHODS:A model of liver cirrhosis was replicated inrats by intra-peritoneal injection of CCI_4 for 8 wk.Wedetermined the effect of hepatic PAF and its receptorlevel on portal and arterial pressure by EIA,saturationbinding and RT-PCR technique.RESULTS:Compared to control rats,cirrhotic ratshad higher hepatic PAF levels and output as well ashigher plasma PAF levels(P<0.01,P<0.01,P<0.05,respectively).Both hepatic PAF receptor mRNA levelsand PAF binding were nearly 3-fold greater in cirrhoticrats(P<0.01).Portal injection of PAF(1 g/kg WT)increased the portal pressure by 22% and 33% incontrol and cirrhotic rats,respectively.In contrast,thearterial pressure was decreased in the both groups(54%in control rats and 42% in cirrhotic rats).Injection of thePAF antagonist BN52021(5 mg/kg WT)decreased theportal pressure by 16% in cirrhotic rats but had no effectin the control rats.CONCLUSION:The upregulation of the PAF systemcontributes to hepatic hemodynamic and metabolicabnormalities in cirrhosis,and the increased release ofPAF into the circulation has impacts on the systemichemodynamics. AIM: To evaluate the changes in hepatic plateletactivating factor (PAF) and its receptors and their effect on portal pressure of cirrhotic rats induced by CCI_4.METHODS: A model of liver cirrhosis was replicated inrats by intra-peritoneal injection of CCI_4 for 8 wk.Wedetermined the effect of hepatic PAF and its receptor level on portal and arterial pressure by EIA, saturation binding and RT-PCR technique. RESULTS: Compared to control rats, cirrhotic ratshad higher hepatic PAF levels and output as well as ashigher plasma PAF levels (P <0.01, P <0.01, P <0.05, respectively) .Both hepatic PAF receptor mRNA levels and PAF binding were nearly 3-fold greater in cirrhoticrats (P <0.01) .Portal injection of PAF and 33% incontrol and cirrhotic rats, respectively.In contrast, thearterial pressure was decreased in the both groups (54% in control rats and 42% in cirrhotic rats) .Injection of the PA antagonist BN52021 (5 mg / kg WT) decreased theportal pressure by 16% in cirrhotic rats but had no effect in the control rats. CONCLUSION: The upregulation of the PAF system contributions to hepatic hemodynamic and metabolic abnormalities in cirrhosis, and the increased release of PAF into the circulation has impacts on the systemichemodynamics.
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