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2015年1月31日,由中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士评选的2014年中国十大科技进展揭晓。11月1日,探月工程三期再入返回飞行试验圆满成功,为确保嫦娥五号任务顺利实施和探月工程持续推进奠定了坚实基础。“海马”号在南海进行的海试中,最大下潜深度达4502米,标志着我国掌握了大深度无人遥控潜水器关键技术。中国科学技术大学潘建伟院士及其团队将量子通信安全传输距离扩展至200公里,创下新的世界纪录。 On January 31, 2015, the progress of China’s top ten technologies announced by academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering was announced. On November 1, the successful return of three phases of the lunar exploration project to flight test was successfully completed, laying a solid foundation for the smooth implementation of the Chang’e-5 mission and the continued exploration of the lunar exploration project. “Sea Horse ” No. In the sea trials conducted in the South China Sea, the maximum dive depth of 4502 meters, indicating that China has mastered the depth of the key technologies of unmanned remote controlled submersibles. Academician Pan Jianwei from the University of Science and Technology of China and his team expanded the safe transmission distance of quantum communications to 200 kilometers and set a new world record.
网络的开放性对网络安全的威胁日益严重,如黑客的入侵、机器被种植木马、病毒、蠕虫、冲击波等。对此,必须引起我们的高度重视。 The openness of the network is increasin
小时我是把《世说新语》当传说看的。后来读到西方现代作家的一些事迹,会常常想到魏晋的名士之风,并不感到陌生。对于魏晋,钱穆有两句话最中肯:“政治无出路,激起老庄个人思想的复活。但个人思想盛行,则政治更无出路。”魏晋名士的嗜酒嗑药也好,清谈远咏也罢,表面上风流放浪,但骨子里却坚守着知识分子的人格。  鲁迅先生那篇著名的演讲,使魏晋成了一种“风度”。即便今天,也常有文人以魏晋名士的做派自许,其实学到的不
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