1.林××,女,五岁。曾經某医院检查診断为白喉,治疗无效,来院診治。检查患者喉痛、咳嗽,痰难咳出,症状恶化。經給予牛脚节草一两,水煮冲蜜少許内服,井以吹喉散吹治,計治疗四天痊愈。 2.张××,男,二岁,1960年12月4日来診。患儿四天前发热、咳嗽、气急,检查喉头白膜已蔓延至咽管内,病势危急。經給予牛脚节草一两,水煮冲蜜少許内服,并用吹喉散吹治,次日白膜缩小,气喘平息,照原方续治至第五天痊愈。处方内容:①鲜牛脚节一两,水煮去渣,冲蜜糖
1. Lin × ×, female, five years old. Once a hospital diagnosed as diphtheria, treatment was invalid, came to the hospital for treatment. Examination of the patient’s sore throat, cough, difficulty in coughing, and worsening of symptoms. After giving one or two bovine foot-knots, boiled with honey, a little orally, well blown with blowpipe to cure, the treatment was cured in four days. 2. Zhang X, male, 2 years old, arrived on December 4, 1960. The patient developed fever, cough, and shortness of breath four days before. The examination of the laryngeal tunica albuginea had spread to the pharynx and the condition was critical. After giving one or two feet of bovine artichoke, boiled with honey, a little orally, and blown with blowpipe to cure, the next day, the white film shrinks, asthma subsides, according to the original party continued to cure until the fifth day of recovery. Prescription content: 1 fresh bovine feet one or two, boiled to the residue, red honey