加强版权管理 助力文化浙江建设

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省十四次党代会提出在提升文化软实力上更进一步、更快一步,努力建设文化浙江。明确文化浙江建设,要使文化产业成为万亿产业、文化创造力传播力影响力明显增强。发展文化产业,提升文化创造力传播力影响力,核心是版权的创造、运用和管理。而版权创造、运用主体是市场,版权管理主体是政府,政府通过加强版权管理,为版权创造、运用营造公平、公正有利创 The fourteenth congress of the province proposed to further enhance cultural soft power, move faster and strive to build a culture of Zhejiang. Clear culture Zhejiang construction, to make the cultural industry into a trillion industry, the influence of cultural creativity is significantly enhanced. The development of cultural industries, enhance the influence of cultural creativity of communication, the core is the creation of copyright, use and management. However, the main body of copyright creation and use is the market, and the main body of copyright management is the government. The government, through strengthening copyright management, creates and uses copyright to create a fair, just and beneficial record
摘要:首先就当前我国足球运动发展中存在的问题做一总结,然后针对存在的问题提出对我国足球运动发展走向的看法。  关键词:足球运动 发展走向 看法  众所周知,改革是发展的原动力。职业化是我国足球运动的主体也是发展的大势所趋。我国足球运动于九十年代开始了职业化改革,然而在经历了改革初期短暂的蜜月之后,接踵而来的阵痛不断敲打着每一位国人的心坎儿。我们不禁要问,到底是哪里出现了问题?现阶段与其病急乱投医,