Influence of random shrinkage porosity on equivalent elastic modulus of casting: A statistical and n

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Shrinkage porosity is a type of random distribution defects and exists in most large castings. Different from the periodic symmetry defects or certain distribution defects, shrinkage porosity presents a random “cloud-like” configuration, which brings difficulties in quantifying the effective performance of defected casting. In this paper, the influences of random shrinkage porosity on the equivalent elastic modulus of QT400-18 casting were studied by a numerical statistics approach. An improved random algorithm was applied into the lattice model to simulate the “cloud-like” morphology of shrinkage porosity. Then, a large number of numerical samples containing random levels of shrinkage were generated by the proposed algorithm. The stress concentration factor and equivalent elastic modulus of these numerical samples were calculated. Based on a statistical approach, the effects of shrinkage porosity’s distribution characteristics, such as area fraction, shape, and relative location on the casting’s equivalent mechanical properties were discussed respectively. It is shown that the approach with randomly distributed defects has better predictive capabilities than traditional methods. The following conclusions can be drawn from the statistical simulations:(1) the effective modulus decreases remarkably if the shrinkage porosity percent is greater than 1.5%;(2) the average Stress Concentration Factor(SCF) produced by shrinkage porosity is about 2.0;(3) the defect’s length across the loading direction plays a more important role in the effective modulus than the length along the loading direction;(4) the surface defect perpendicular to loading direction reduces the mean modulus about 1.5% more than a defect of other position. Shrinkage porosity is a type of random distribution defects and exists in most large castings. Different from the periodic symmetry defects or certain distribution defects, shrinkage porosity presents a random “cloud-like” configuration, which brings difficulties in quantifying the effective performance of defected casting. In this paper, the influences of random shrinkage porosity on the equivalent elastic modulus of QT400-18 casting were studied by a numerical statistics approach. An improved random algorithm was applied into the lattice model to simulate the “cloud-like ”morphology of shrinkage porosity. Then, a large number of numerical samples containing random levels of shrinkage were generated by the proposed algorithm. Based on a statistical approach, the effects of shrinkage porosity’s distribution characteristics, such as area fraction, shape, and relative location o n the casting’s equivalent mechanical properties were discussed respectively. It is shown that the approach with randomly distributed defects has better predictive capabilities than traditional methods. The following conclusions can be drawn from the statistical simulations: (1) the effective modulus decreased remarkably if the shrinkageage (2) the average Stress Concentration Factor (SCF) produced by shrinkage porosity is about 2.0; (3) the defect’s length across the loading direction plays a more important role in the effective modulus than the length along the loading direction; (4) the surface defect perpendicular to loading direction reduces the mean modulus about 1.5% more than a defect of other position.
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作文教学历来是语文教学中的重点和难点。尽管各种辅助资料铺天盖地,应有尽有;尽管老师耐心引导,但是学生还是觉得“无话  可说,无处着手,无事可写,害怕写作文”。如何从根本上扭转这种局面呢?我认为关键在于引导学生学会动脑、动口、动手和认真观察,并学会积累词汇和生活素材。因此,我在教学实践中有计划、有步骤地进行了尝试。  在教学过程中,怎样去把握学生动脑、动口、动手呢?我认为应鼓励学生多观察、多写一些自
班主任是与学生接触最多、对学生影响最大,跟学生保持密切交往的教师,教师道德是教师的灵魂;师爱是师德的灵魂;师德是教师职业理想的翅膀……教育是一方充满理性的天地,也是一片饱含情感的空间。姑且从理想境界的高度,来谈师德的高尚要求:  1、师品,德高为师。教师的工作是神圣的,也是艰苦的,教书育人需要感情,时间、精力、乃至全部心血的付出,这种付出是要以强烈的使命感为基础的。  2、师智,学高为师。要培养高
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