两只音箱一只指标为10~50W、87dB/W/m,另一只为10~50dB/W/m,哪一只响?响多少?两只功放一只标记频响10Hz~40kHz,另一只标记20Hz~20kHz±0.2dB,哪一只质量高?如果不清楚“分贝(dB)”的确切含义,您就说不到点子上。 简单地说,分贝就是放大器增益的单位。放大器输出与输入的比值为放大倍数,单位是“倍”,如10倍放大器,100倍放大器。当改用“分贝”做单位时,放大倍数就称之为增益,这是一个概念的两种称呼。
Two speakers of an indicator of 10 ~ 50W, 87dB / W / m, the other is 10 ~ 50dB / W / m, which ring? How much? Two amps marked a frequency response 10Hz ~ 40kHz, and the other A mark 20Hz ~ 20kHz ± 0.2dB, which one high quality? If you do not know the exact meaning of “decibel (dB)”, you can not say the idea. In simple terms, dB is the unit of amplifier gain. Amplifier output and input ratio for the magnification, the unit is “times”, such as 10 times the amplifier, 100 times the amplifier. When using the “decibel” unit, the magnification is called gain, which is a concept of the two titles.