8月11日,“Sun网络时代智能化存储环境发布会”在北京中国大饭店举行。发布会上,Sun公司向与会者展示了它的新一代存储设备Sun StorEdge T3。本次推出的新品包括三大部分:1、模块化磁盘存储阵列系统,Sun StorEdge T3阵列;2、数据保护软件;3、整套的存储器服务。Sun StorEdge T3阵列实现了每秒冗余100MB光纤通道仲裁环(FC-AL)主机界面和每秒双100MB后端FC-AL驱动环。它提供了三维缩放性和易管理性。一个存储器可以从162GB扩展到88TB。同时它的热插
August 11, “Sun Network era of intelligent storage environment conference,” held in Beijing China World Hotel. Conference, Sun company to show attendees its next-generation storage device Sun StorEdge T3. The new product includes three major parts: 1, modular disk storage array system, Sun StorEdge T3 array; 2, data protection software; 3, the entire set of memory services. The Sun StorEdge T3 array enables a redundant 100MB Fiber Channel Arbitrated Ring (FC-AL) host interface and a dual 100MB back-end FC-AL drive ring per second. It provides three-dimensional scalability and manageability. A memory can be expanded from 162GB to 88TB. At the same time it’s hot plug