研究了温度对Tommy Atkins芒果后熟的影响。后熟温度对色泽、风味及质地有不同的影响。在温度12℃贮放经16天,芒果没有达到完全可食的成熟度,糖含量与在别的温度下的相当,但酸含量较高,还保持一点绿色,果肉中类胡萝卜素含量低,不完全变软。在温度17℃15天,果变软,外观色泽好,但果肉色泽不佳,糖含量较高,酸含量也高,因而糖酸比值低。在温度22℃、27℃和32℃时都对后熟品质好:叶绿素分解快,果肉类胡萝卜素含量高,果质地好,糖酸比值平衡。在温度37℃时,尽管果皮出现斑点,果肉糖酸比值稍低,但后熟品质仍与上述相似。
The effect of temperature on ripening of Tommy Atkins mango was studied. After ripening temperature on the color, flavor and texture have different effects. After storage at a temperature of 12 ° C for 16 days, the mango did not reach full edible maturity, the sugar content was comparable to that at other temperatures, but the acid content was relatively high and a little green. The content of carotenoids in the pulp was low, Not completely softened. 15 days at 17 ℃, the fruit becomes soft, the appearance of good color, but poor color flesh, sugar content is high, the acid content is high, so the ratio of sugar to acid low. At the temperature of 22 ℃, 27 ℃ and 32 ℃, the quality of after-ripening was good: fast chlorophyll decomposition, high carotenoid content, good fruit quality, and a good ratio of sugar to acid. At 37 ℃, although the pericarp appeared spotted, the ratio of fructose to fructose was slightly lower, but after-ripening quality was still similar to the above.