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阳春三月,纽约却依然春寒料峭,在异国他乡的春天里,作为拍卖企业的代表,我们享受着一场有关中国艺术市场以及拍卖的饕餮盛宴。当我坐在会场中,聆听国际业界各种思想的碰撞时,我的心里有各种情绪在翻腾,其中,更多的是激动与骄傲,我为我所挚爱的这个行业以及中国艺术市场在国际视野中的强大地位而骄傲不已,也为这次论坛所取得的丰硕成果而激动不已。参加纽约亚洲艺术周深感荣幸2014年3月,由中国拍卖协会与美国Artnet网站联合主办的“中国艺术市场的现实与未来”国际论坛在纽约曼哈顿举办,我有幸同国内拍卖界的同行们一同参加了这样一个极具水准的高规格会议。在曼哈顿,来自世界各国拍卖业和艺术领域的精英们同聚一席,深入地 Spring March, New York is still chilly, in the spring of a foreign country, as the auction business representatives, we enjoy a gluttonous feast about the Chinese art market and the auction. When I was sitting in a conference hall and listening to the collision of various thoughts in the international industry, my heart was full of emotions. Among them, I was more excited and proud. I loved the industry and the Chinese art market. I am proud of the powerful position in the international arena and are excited by the fruitful achievements of this forum. Participated in the New York Asian Art Week deeply honored In March 2014, organized by the Chinese auction association and the United States Artnet website “the reality and future of the Chinese art market ” International Forum was held in Manhattan in New York, I was fortunate to be with the domestic auction industry peers We participated in such a very high level of high-profile meeting. In Manhattan, elites from the world’s auction industry and the arts gather together
女王驾到  温网上最大牌的并不是最终夺冠的纳达尔与小威廉姆斯,而是每年都会前往球场坐在皇室包厢中的伊丽莎白女王。虽说皇室的仪仗已经愈来愈简单,但每逢女王驾到,主办方还是会为女王留出专用通道,以便享受掌声与欢呼。    被遗忘的角落  任何一届大满贯赛事之后,出现在公众视线中的永远都是手捧奖杯站在城市地标前任人拍照的冠军球员,有多少人会关注作为大满贯赛事一部分的轮椅网球比赛?这项比赛已经成为网球运动