以 12年生王官溪蜜柚为试验材料 ,分析越冬期间叶片可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质、游离脯氨酸等渗透调节物质质量分数 ,束缚水质量分数及束缚水 /自由水比值的变化动态 .结果表明 :11月份到翌年 1月份可溶性糖质量分数呈增加趋势 ,而后下降 ;可溶性蛋白质和游离脯氨酸质量分数最大值均出现在 2月份 ,3月份二者质量分数下降 ,但仍高于越冬初期 (11月份 ) ;束缚水 /自由水比值随气温的降低而升高 . 3种渗透调节物质质量分数及束缚水 /自由水比值与越冬期气温呈显著负相关
The 12-year-old Wang Guanxi pomelo was used as experimental material to analyze the dynamic changes of soluble sugar, soluble protein, free proline and other osmotic adjustment substances, irreducible water mass fraction and irreducible water / free water ratio during overwintering period.The results showed that 11 The content of soluble sugar increased from January to January, and then decreased. The maximum values of soluble protein and free proline appeared in February and March respectively, but remained higher than that in early winter (November ), And the bound water / free water ratio increased with the decrease of air temperature.The three kinds of osmotic adjustment substances and the ratio of irreducible water to free water showed a significant negative correlation with the temperature during wintering