似乎刚过了夏天,还没转过神来,老师的院中已见稀稀落落的黄叶,椿树枝头竟寥落得露出了一派萧索气象。墙根荒草丛生,屋瓦上的茅草也枯黄了,树下没有藤椅,空留一张落了几片黄叶的石桌,孤零零的,让人看了凄然。 老师门口那张竹帘尚未除去,他枯坐在屋里。我掀帘进去,他听见帘子响动,瞅了我一眼,喉咙里发出一声沙哑的“噢”,依然不动。老师素来不拘礼节,不讲客套,常去他那里的无论朋友还是学生,都习以为常,甚至有不打招呼就闯进去的,他也不会责怪。 我问候过老师,便在老师的斜角处拣了一把椅子坐下。我们随便聊了一阵。我见墙上挂着两个镜框架子,长长的,既无玻璃也无衬板,偌大一个空框架却框着一张小画,画是钉在墙上的。我觉得很滑稽,便笑起来。 “这是抄家物资,核桃木的,你看多好。”老师赞赏道。
It seems that just after the summer, have not turned around, the teacher’s hospital has seen sparse yellow leaves, Chun Ju branches actually sparsely exposed a faded atmosphere. Wall roots grassy, the roof thatched grass is also yellow, no rattan under the tree, leave a few yellow leaves empty stone table, solitary, people looked sad. That bamboo curtain had not been removed from the teacher’s door, and he was seated in the room. I opened the curtain, he heard the curtain ring, glanced at me, a hoarse “Oh” in my throat, still motionless. The teacher has always been informal, courteous, often go to him wherever friends or students, are accustomed to, and even did not say hello broke in, he will not blame. After greeting my teacher, I took a chair at the berth of the teacher and sat down. We talked for a while I saw two picture frame shelves hanging on the wall, long, neither glass nor liner, a big empty frame but a small picture frame, painting is nailed to the wall. I think it is funny, then laughed. “This is copied goods, walnut, how good you look.” The teacher praised Road.