是爱,是热爱,就不会清醒! 爱国,是汉字里简单的18划:爱国,是婴儿呱呱坠地的刻印;爱国,是芸芸众生偶尔呆滞的眼光中最深处的浮云苍狗;爱国,是脚下一尾稚嫩的荣英,皮箱里想家的泪瓶;爱国,是为生命而战为自由而死,无所畏惧甘愿贫穷的缘由;爱国,是凡人心底的呼唤,是我们毕生的追求! 爱国者,在爱国之后加上的这8划不是一道加法运算,在他们成为传奇之前,这个世间沉积了太多震耳欲聋的壮烈。我们无法亲自为斗士们齐刷刷的倒下而热血膨胀,或者我们根本没有倒下的机遇,那么──让我们站起来,用现实而自由的手指刨开泛黄的、黝黑的、干涸的、青杏的土壤,展开这卷文字,让风骨和热爱开到荼靡! 是爱,是热爱,就不会清醒! 谨以本文献给古往今来所有的爱国者:
Is love, love, it will not be awake! Patriotic, is a simple Chinese characters in 18 plans: patriotic, is the birth of a baby birth engraving; patriotic, is the mortal world of occasional dull eyes in the deepest clouds dog; patriotic, is the foot of a tender Rong Ying, luggage homesick Tears of the bottle; patriotic, life is fighting for freedom and freedom, fearless willingness to cause poverty; patriotic, is the call of the mortal heart, is our lifelong pursuit! The patriot, added after patriotism, is not an addition, and before they became legendary, too much deafening heroism ensued in this world. We could not have bloated ourselves down for the fighters or we had no chance of collapsing-so let’s get up and dig our yellow, dark, dry , Apricot soil, expand this text, so that the strength and love to open Tuma extravagance! Is love, love, it will not be awake! With this reference to all patriots throughout the ages: